Download lego indiana jones 2 raiders of the lost ark
Download lego indiana jones 2 raiders of the lost ark

download lego indiana jones 2 raiders of the lost ark

Indiana, using the information on the headpiece, was able to locate the Well of Souls, which he infiltrated disguised as a native worker. As a result, Belloq's counterfeit headpiece caused the Nazis to build an overlarge staff, which led Indiana and Sallah to discover that "they're digging in the wrong place." However, Toht failed to realize the proper headpiece was engraved on both sides. However, the headpiece had become extraordinarily hot having fallen into the fireplace, and the medallion scarred Toht's hand, leaving the imprint of the markings on his palm that allowed French archaeologist René Belloq to create his own headpiece for the Nazis to locate the Ark. The headpiece was momentarily in the possession of Nazi Gestapo agent Toht, during a fight at Ravenwood's bar.

download lego indiana jones 2 raiders of the lost ark

Marion sold the headpiece to Indiana Jones for three thousand dollars when he was searching for the Ark of the Covenant in 1936. Together they tracked the medallion to a monastery where the thief believed the artifact was the key to treasure there. She chased the thief to Tibet and teamed up with a member of the Adventure Society she met along the way. In 1934, Marion was robbed of the headpiece by a mercenary.

download lego indiana jones 2 raiders of the lost ark

The headpiece was discovered by the archeologist Abner Ravenwood in 1926, and later came into the hands of his daughter Marion, who wore it around her neck as a medallion. The instructions written on the headpiece stated that the staff should be "six kadams high." However, the obverse of the headpiece held specific instructions that the builder was to subtract one kadam out of respect for the Hebrew God. However, the headpiece contained instructions on how to make a new staff. The actual Staff of Ra, in and of itself just a simple shaft of wood, was apparently long lost to the ages.

Download lego indiana jones 2 raiders of the lost ark